Victor and Valentino is a cartoon series on the TV channel Cartoon Network. The story takes place in the small and quiet town of Monte Macabre where two completely opposite by character brothers are looking for adventures. They find supernatural events with the help of their grandmother.
Victor Calavera or Vic is the younger half brother who gets bored and excited very easy. He loves to play games and do naughty tricks, but before all he takes care of his brother. Valentino or Val is the olrder brother, who is concerned a lot about his appearance. He has better coordination and is smarter but he also takes care of his brother. He is tummy and very modes, he also knows a lot about the history of the ancient cultures.
Main Characters
Besides the brothers Victor and Valentino there are also many other interesting characters in Monte Macabre. Granny Chata is blind and she has supernatural abilities. Charlene is a strange girl who often picks up on Victor and Valentino, she also has supernatural power and she likes to use it on the brothers. Charlene likes Victor and she always tries to get involved in what he is doing. Pineapple is a big boy, brother of Charlene, who like s to dance. Maria Teresa is grandmother of Charlene and Pineapple, she is the main enemy of granny Chata. Maria has her own taco restaurant. Julio is the local rich man, who is passionate about the antiques, which are owned by Victor and Valentino. He likes granny Chata and he sweats a lot in her presence. Xochi is granddaughter of Julio, she likes the supernatural plans and salsa dancing.
Intro of the Series
Victor and Valnentino Games in Monte Macabre
The brothers are main characters in many Victor and Valentino games. One of the most interesting games is Victor and Valentino Taco Terror. Here the two boys are facing waves of attacking skeletons and many other supernatural enemies. Each enemy has different abilities and must be removed from the field as fast as possible. Victor and Valentino has on their disposal soe balls which they can use the eliminate the enemies. Each enemy must be hit a certain amount of times in order to be removed. If the enemies reach to the brothers, the game is over. The balls can be launched in different directions and they make ricochets while hitting the enemies one after another. The secret in the game is to use as many ricochets as possible so more enemies can be eliminated at once.
Another interesting game with Victor and Valentino is the game Victor and Valentino Stretched Chase. Here the two heroes have lost their ball and they are going to look for it in the undergrounds of Monte Macabre. Their task is not going to be easy, there are many dangers and traps in the undergrounds. Try to go through all the levels of the game and reach to the end. If you have problems, you can have a look in the walkthrough video, which shows how to go through all the levels of the game:
Victor and Valentino love to play football and they are going to show their football skills in the game Victor and Valentino Monster Kicks. There the two heroes must destroy the invading monsters using the football ball.
Enjoy the games!
Victor Calavera or Vic is the younger half brother who gets bored and excited very easy. He loves to play games and do naughty tricks, but before all he takes care of his brother. Valentino or Val is the olrder brother, who is concerned a lot about his appearance. He has better coordination and is smarter but he also takes care of his brother. He is tummy and very modes, he also knows a lot about the history of the ancient cultures.
Main Characters
Besides the brothers Victor and Valentino there are also many other interesting characters in Monte Macabre. Granny Chata is blind and she has supernatural abilities. Charlene is a strange girl who often picks up on Victor and Valentino, she also has supernatural power and she likes to use it on the brothers. Charlene likes Victor and she always tries to get involved in what he is doing. Pineapple is a big boy, brother of Charlene, who like s to dance. Maria Teresa is grandmother of Charlene and Pineapple, she is the main enemy of granny Chata. Maria has her own taco restaurant. Julio is the local rich man, who is passionate about the antiques, which are owned by Victor and Valentino. He likes granny Chata and he sweats a lot in her presence. Xochi is granddaughter of Julio, she likes the supernatural plans and salsa dancing.
Intro of the Series
Victor and Valnentino Games in Monte Macabre
The brothers are main characters in many Victor and Valentino games. One of the most interesting games is Victor and Valentino Taco Terror. Here the two boys are facing waves of attacking skeletons and many other supernatural enemies. Each enemy has different abilities and must be removed from the field as fast as possible. Victor and Valentino has on their disposal soe balls which they can use the eliminate the enemies. Each enemy must be hit a certain amount of times in order to be removed. If the enemies reach to the brothers, the game is over. The balls can be launched in different directions and they make ricochets while hitting the enemies one after another. The secret in the game is to use as many ricochets as possible so more enemies can be eliminated at once.
Another interesting game with Victor and Valentino is the game Victor and Valentino Stretched Chase. Here the two heroes have lost their ball and they are going to look for it in the undergrounds of Monte Macabre. Their task is not going to be easy, there are many dangers and traps in the undergrounds. Try to go through all the levels of the game and reach to the end. If you have problems, you can have a look in the walkthrough video, which shows how to go through all the levels of the game:
Victor and Valentino love to play football and they are going to show their football skills in the game Victor and Valentino Monster Kicks. There the two heroes must destroy the invading monsters using the football ball.
Enjoy the games!